About Us
About Us
Private enterprise "Information System Technology (" IST ") operates in the telecommunications market since 1990. We are ready to offer you our experience in the fields of synchronization of telecommunication networks (including the services of an accredited laboratory), telephone and computer networks, as well as our own design: frequency standards, measuring devices and much more. Our customers are the various sectors "Ukrtelecom", "Kyivstar GSM" the company "Ruby Rose", LLC" INOR "and several other prominent companies. We cooperate closely, both as distributors and joint development with the well-known European companies: Martec Tekelec Systemes, Gillam FEi, Pendulum Instruments, and several other manufacturers. Contact information: Address: Ukraine, 02660, Kiev, ul. M. Raskovoy, 15, of. 816 tel. +38 044 5177501, 5178177
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IEEE1588 based synchronization units (SU-1588 model), manufactured by IST in Ukraine, are now implemented in Urkmetrteststandard national T&F laboratory to provide customers with precise (microsecond level) time-scale.