SSU/PRC equipment
SSU/PRC equipment
Equipment type Synchronisation Supply Unit (SSU) or Primary Reference Clock (PRC) belongs to the category selected (Stand Alone) synchronization equipment intended to supply the network sync signal with desired properties, especially with a given stability over time. More information on the equipment can be found in our articles (2), (3). Requirements for such equipment is defined in international standards, in Chaston, ITU-T G.811, G.812. In Russian terminology, such equipment is called, respectively, the secondary master oscillator (VZG) and the primary reference source (PEI), although the requirements of the latest in the Russian standard more stringent than G.811. Our company is a distributor of two European manufacturers of this category: Spectracom (France) and Gillam FEi (Belgium) and offers direct delivery of the whole range of equipment, if you wish - together with services for design and construction of turnkey network synchronization.
IEEE1588 based synchronization units (SU-1588 model), manufactured by IST in Ukraine, are now implemented in Urkmetrteststandard national T&F laboratory to provide customers with precise (microsecond level) time-scale.