
High quality services in a digital telecommunications network can not be achieved without a properly designed network's clock synchronization. Our company has an experience in this field since 2000. Typically, the network synchronization equipment 
SSU/PRC, is manufactured by few companies in the world. We represent the interests of Gillam FEi (Belgium), manufacturing  US5G product . We also produce our own IEEE1588 synchronisation master/slave equipment SU-1588, wander measuring instrument  IPS-2002, and wander monitoring system WMS-8 for 24x7 synchronization quality testing.

Frequency standards provide the user with a RF signal of a necessary  level of stability, frequency and phase characteristics. More information about the ftequency standards  can read in our papers (2), (7,8). unfortunately, in Russian only, or in the Internet. Our company is ready to deliver both in Ukraine and abroad  the most highly stablehydrogen maser and more frequently used rubidium and quartz frequencystandards. As for the last two types - we offer manufactured in Ukraine RFS-101 RFS-102, QFS-102, QFS-103 models, based on the most modern components, but at competitive pricing, starting with 1k Euro. Allfrequency standards can be at a request metrologically calibrated in Ukraine. IEEE1588 option (Master or Slave) is also available.

Coaxial cables - quite specific type of cables that are used in cases where necessary to ensure high quality transmission of vysookochastotnyh electrical signals with minimal leakage and distortions. Coaxial cables are characterized by a wave soprostivleniem, or impedance. The most frequently used cable impedance of 50 and 75 ohms. Our company offers a ready supply, protestirovannyx at frequencies up to 2 GHz, cables own manufacturing and supply coaxial connectors, cables as the material and the appropriate crimping tool. We always have in stock top-selling connectors of the following types: N, BNC, TNC, SMA, SMB, MCX - 50 ohm; BNC-75, SMB-75, 1.6/5.6, 1.0/2.3, SMZ (or "Type 43 ") - 75 Ohms. The most promising types of coaxial cable to these connectors: RG-58, RG-213, RG-174, RG-223, RG-402, RG-405 (all - 50 ohms); BT-3002 (S-2YCCY), BT- 2002, BT-2003, RG-59, RG-179 (all - 75 ohms). In addition, under the order may be put other, more exotic types of connectors and cables, including to work in frequency ranges up to 18 GHz and above. We can also offer advice on selection of the best connectors and cables for the customer.

IEEE1588 based synchronization units (SU-1588 model), manufactured by IST in Ukraine, are now implemented in Urkmetrteststandard national T&F laboratory to provide customers with precise (microsecond level)  time-scale.